sábado, 9 de junio de 2018


Este es Mohammed al-Baba, un fotógrafo de la agencia AFP q lleva 20 años cubriendo el conflicto de Gaza. Hoy un francotirador de Israel le ha destrozado la pierna derecha a balazos mientras trabajaba.

El ejército de ha matado a Haizam, un crío de 15 años, durante las protestas en . Ya son 16 los menores que han matado desde que empezó la Marcha del Retorno. Matar a manifestantes desarmados es un crimen, pero no se investigará ni se sancionará.

23 hhace 23 horas
: a 3rd Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in today: 15-year-old Haitham al-Jamal - Gaza MoH
22 hhace 22 horas
: as the sun is setting & today's fest is about to end, the protesters in are reportedly dispersing & heading to eat the dinner. About 10,000 demonstrators participated in the in today -
8 jun.
: 386 Palestinians wounded so far during the protests in today, including 70 from Israeli live ammo. 5 in serious condition - MoH. estimates 1000s participate in protests. Palestinian media reports over 10,000
23 hhace 23 horas
: over 10,000 Palestinians participate in the protests along the . MoH says 413 injured, 80 from live Israeli fire. 7 in serious condition. says Palestinians flew kites with explosive devices connected to them towards Israeli soldiers
23 hhace 23 horas
: a 3rd Palestinian killed by Israeli forces in today: 15-year-old Haitham al-Jamal - Gaza MoH
22 hhace 22 horas
: as the sun is setting & today's fest is about to end, the protesters in are reportedly dispersing & heading to eat the dinner. About 10,000 demonstrators participated in the in today -
22 hhace 22 horas
: as the sun is setting & today's fest is about to end, the protesters in are reportedly dispersing & heading to eat the dinner. About 10,000 demonstrators participated in the in today -

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